Table of Contents
1 Timothy - Bible Study Life Application on line
1 Timothy 1:1-4 Stand Your Ground
1 Timothy 1:5-8 Which Way Will You Go?
1 Timothy 1:9-11 Why Do We Have Laws?
1 Timothy 1:12-16 But I Was Ignorant God!
1 Timothy 1:17-20 Shipwrecked!
1 Timothy 2:1-4 “All”
1 Timothy 2:5-7 R U Called?
1 Timothy 2:8-15 Lets Talk
1 Timothy Chapter Three Leadership Qualities
1 Timothy 4:1-5 Will the Real Christian Stand
1 Timothy 4:6-9 Have You Been Exercising?
1 Timothy 4:10-12 Walkin’ It Out
1 Timothy 4:13-16 Stay In The Saddle
1 Timothy 5:1-4 Its All About Family
1 Timothy 5:5-16 Takin’ Care of Your Family
1 Timothy 5:17-19 Action Is Louder Than Words
1 Timothy 5:20-25 Will the Real Christian Please
Stand Up!
1 Timothy 6:1-2 What Would Your Boss Say?
1 Timothy 6:13-9 R U Content?
1 Timothy 6: 10-12 No Re-Takes For Me
1 Timothy 6:13-16 Fight The Good Fight
1 Timothy 6:17-21 Blessins!
Stand Your Ground
1 Timothy 1:1-4
From My Heart:
Paul is the writer of Timothy and he’s talking to Timothy, giving him some Godly advise, instructions, guidance; telling him to stay put and “DO” some ministering. There’s some false teaching and unsound doctrine being spread around and Timothy needs to put a “stop to it!”
As Paul prepares to leave Timothy in charge, he prays Grace, Mercy and Peace over him, from God.
The false teachings going on, were only causing confusion and questions among those in the faith- the Christians.
“Lets make it PERSONAL, where we live”
1. We receive Godly advise when we study Gods Word.
2. We are all called to “share” our faith in Jesus.
3. We are to stay close enough in our relationship with the Father, that we can “know” when we hear false teaching and “RUN FROM IT!”
4. We all receive Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God as we talk to Him, “Listen and Do” what He tells us to.
5. False teachings cause us confusion; satan has a counterfeit for everything God has. Ask God to guide you to some “Godly” Teachers, Pastors, and Counselors, for daily food.
6. “ACT UPON” what the Word says.
Be full of the Holy Spirit of God, a fresh, every day